Thursday, 7 June 2007

Someone to Watch Over Me No.5 in the book charts

I've just heard that my book, Someone to Watch Over Me, is going to be at no.5 in the bestseller list again this week! I couldn't believe it when it went in at no.8 the week it was published and up to no.5 last week. I have lived with my story for so long, it is strange to think that thousands of people are out there buying my book and reading about my life. If you've read it please let me know what you think.


Anonymous said...

I rad your book with astonishment.I had to keep hecking it was real.I have rad many accounts of childhood abuse but never have I read any from someone as brave as you.My abuse does not compare to yours...but raped by two lads at seven and later several other times, I began to believe it was all my fault.My homelife, like your was fraught with tension and terror,although my parents never abused me sexually.By the grace of god.And you kept your babies!Such courage Im afraid is beyond me and truly humbling.Be proud of your life,your achievements and strength.And thankyou for helping me to see myself,or the child I was,in some way, in your story.I suffer from PTS disorder....your story helped me turn a lauren xx

Anonymous said...

sorry for the spelling mistakes earlier in my post!was a bit tearful writing....x

Unknown said...

I have just finished readin someone to watch over me, i am so proud of you for your suvival. I myself have never suffered anything like abuse of the hand of my family has we r a very close nit family.You are a very icredible person, and no matter what your family should be very proud of you.You have overcome some very hard and frightening encounters and you are still with us. I hope you enjoy your new life now with your family.

All the very best for the future god bless. x x Geniene x